Course curriculum

    1. A message from your instructor

    2. Interpreting the Bible Course curriculum

    3. How to use this course

    4. Before we begin...

    5. Course introduction

    6. Here is our vision for this course

    7. Worship Prayer and prophetic word for you

    1. Intro to Structure of the Bible

    2. The Books of the Bible

    3. The Timeline of the Old Testament

    4. The Geography of the Bible

    5. The 12 Eras of the Bible

    1. Introduction

    2. The creation era overview

    3. The major events of the creation Era - 1. Creation

    4. The major events of creation Era - 2. The Fall

    5. The major events of creation Era - 3. The Flood

    6. The major events of creation Era - 4. The Tower

    7. The geography of the creation Era

    8. Let's do a quick evaluation of some of the things learnt before!

    1. Worship

    2. Overview

    3. The Patriarch's family Tree

    4. Geography of the Patriarch era

    5. Abraham

    6. Isaac and Jacob

    7. Joseph

    8. The Patriarch's Era charts

    1. Introduction to the Exodus era

    2. Overview of the Exodus era

    3. Megathemes of the Exodus era

    4. Deliverance

    5. The Law

    6. Kadesh Barnea

    7. 40 years in the wilderness

    8. Geography of the Exodus era

    9. The Exodus Charts

    1. Introduction

    2. Overview

    3. Preparation

    4. First Battle Tests

    5. The Conquest

    6. Dominion

    7. Geography of the Conquest Era

    8. The Conquest Era Downloadable notes

    9. Conquest Era Map Assignment

About this course

  • Free
  • 106 lessons
  • 19.5 hours of video content